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Pe măsură ce peisajul afacerilor continuă să evolueze, la fel evoluează și rolul HR în modelarea și susținerea succesului organizațional. A rămâne în pas cu cele mai recente tendințe, inovații și cele mai bune practici este crucială pentru profesioniștii în resurse umane care doresc să aibă un impact semnificativ în organizațiile lor. Ce modalitate mai bună de a rămâne în fruntea industriei decât participarea la cele mai influente conferințe de resurse umane în 2024? Evenimentele HR oferă o platformă pentru crearea de rețele și oferă un mediu de învățare bogat în care liderii, practicienii și entuziaștii HR se reunesc pentru a discuta, diseca și delibera asupra provocărilor și oportunităților care se așteaptă. În acest articol, vom explora cele mai bune conferințe de resurse umane la care să participi în 2024, fiecare promițând un amestec unic de perspective, inspirație și conexiuni care îi vor permite profesioniștilor din resursele umane să conducă cu încredere în anul viitor. Cele mai bune evenimente de resurse umane din 2024: Întrebări frecvente: Cum pot alege conferința de HR potrivită pentru nevoile mele profesionale? Luați în considerare obiectivele dvs. profesionale specifice și domeniile de interes din HR. Examinați agendele conferințelor și profilurile vorbitorilor pentru a vă asigura alinierea cu obiectivele dvs. Căutați recomandări de la colegii sau mentorii care au participat la conferințe similare. Conferințe virtuale HR Technology Conference & Exposition® Virtual Conferință și expoziție de tehnologie HR Această conferință virtuală este cea mai bună modalitate de a rămâne la curent cu cele mai recente evoluții și cele mai bune practici pentru a folosi tehnologia HR pentru a răspunde cerințelor în schimbare ale locului de muncă modern. Veți auzi note cheie provocatoare și de actualitate de la cei mai buni specialiști în HR de astăzi, pe parcursul a trei zile pline de acțiune. Vor fi, de asemenea, sesiuni în ritm rapid pe subiecte de ultimă oră din industrie, studii de caz pline de strategie și date și multe altele. Data: 27–29 februarie 2024 Locație: Virtual Cine ar trebui să participe: profesioniști în resurse umane de toate nivelurile Categoria evenimentului: HR tech Preț: gratuit pentru profesioniști calificați în resurse umane Social: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram Înregistrează-te aici Creșterea experienței angajaților Creșterea experienței angajaților-1 Anul acesta, HCI găzduiește conferința Elevating the Employee Experience, care va examina modul în care bunăstarea, DE&I, învățarea și dinamica achiziției de talent vor fi integrate cu noi instrumente, metode și tehnologii, cum ar fi AI, pentru a avea un impact asupra experienței angajaților. Veți avea acces la seminarii selectate care examinează tendințele actuale, cele mai bune practici și studii de caz, oferindu-vă soluții pe care le puteți implementa imediat. Data: 1-3 mai 2024 Locație: Virtual & Denver, CO, SUA Cine ar trebui să participe: profesioniști în resurse umane de toate nivelurile Categoria evenimentului: Experiența angajatului Preț: 495 USD pentru virtual, 1.495 USD pentru persoană Înregistrează-te aici Conferințe de resurse umane în America Întrebări frecvente: Ce oportunități de creare de rețele și dezvoltare profesională oferă conferințele de resurse umane? Conferințele de resurse umane oferă oportunități excelente de creare de rețele, cum ar fi pauze, evenimente sociale și discuții la mese rotunde. Când participați, aveți acces la lideri din industrie, experți și colegi profesioniști în HR pentru schimbul de cunoștințe. Unele conferințe oferă, de asemenea, ateliere de lucru, seminarii și discuții de grup pentru dezvoltarea abilităților și pentru a rămâne la curent cu tendințele din industrie. Extra: strategii de networking la conferințele de resurse umane Sfaturi pentru realizarea de conexiuni semnificative: – Fii proactiv: inițiază conversații cu colegii participanți, vorbitori și expozanți; – Participați la evenimente de rețea: participați la evenimente sociale, recepții și mixere din industrie; – Utilizați rețelele sociale: conectați-vă cu participanții pe LinkedIn, Twitter sau aplicații specifice conferinței. Forumul pentru care participanții se pot conecta înainte de conferință: – Alăturați-vă forumurilor sau grupurilor pre-conferință pe platformele de social media; -Utilizați aplicații pentru conferințe sau forumuri online oferite de organizatorii evenimentului; – Implicați-vă în sesiuni virtuale de întâlnire și salut organizate de conferință. Ghid de urmărire după conferință: – Trimite e-mailuri personalizate de urmărire către noile conexiuni, exprimând aprecierea pentru interacțiune; – Conectați-vă pe platforme profesionale de rețea pentru a continua relația; – Programați întâlniri virtuale de cafea sau apeluri ulterioare pentru a aprofunda interesele comune sau potențialele colaborări. Săptămâna Achiziției de Talente 2024 Săptămâna Achiziționării Talentelor Pe parcursul a două zile, Săptămâna Achiziției de Talente 2024 va include trei conferințe personale pentru profesioniști în recrutare și talent: Conferința de Strategii de Recrutare Socială Summit-ul Strategiilor de Aprovizionare a Talentelor Conferința privind strategiile de branding al angajatorului Data: 29 ianuarie – 1 februarie 2024 Locație: San Diego, CA Cine ar trebui să participe: profesioniști în recrutarea și managementul talentelor Categoria evenimentului: Viitorul recrutării Preț: 1.195 USD – 2.670 USD Social: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter Înregistrează-te aici Transformarea resurselor umane Transformarea resurselor umane Acest eveniment de trei zile include discuții captivante în grupuri mici, peste 300 de vorbitori, o petrecere de după cu o performanță muzicală unică și oportunități de învățare de neegalat. HR Transform este

As the business landscape continues to evolve, so does the role of HR in shaping and supporting organizational success. Staying ahead of the latest trends, innovations, and best practices is crucial for human resources professionals looking to make a meaningful impact in their organizations. What better way to stay at the forefront of the industry than by attending the most influential HR conferences in 2024? 

HR events provide a platform for networking and offer a rich learning environment where HR leaders, practitioners, and enthusiasts come together to discuss, dissect, and deliberate on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. In this article, we’ll explore the best HR conferences to attend in 2024, each promising a unique blend of insights, inspiration, and connections that will empower HR professionals to lead confidently into the year to come. 

Best HR events in 2024:

FAQ: How can I choose the right HR conference for my professional needs?
Consider your specific professional goals and areas of interest within HR. Review conference agendas and speaker profiles to ensure alignment with your objectives. Seek recommendations from peers or mentors who have attended similar conferences.

Virtual-first conferences

HR Technology Conference & Exposition® Virtual

This virtual conference is the best way to stay up to date with the latest developments and best practices for leveraging HR technology to meet the changing demands of the modern workplace. You will hear thought-provoking and topical keynotes from today’s best HR specialists across three action-packed days. There will also be fast-paced sessions on cutting-edge industry subjects, case studies packed with strategy and data, and more. 

  • Date: February 27–29, 2024
  • Location: Virtual
  • Who should attend: HR professionals of all levels
  • Category of the event: HR tech
  • Pricing: Free for qualified HR professionals
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookInstagram
  • Register here

Elevating the Employee Experience

This year, HCI is hosting the Elevating the Employee Experience conference, which will examine how wellbeing, DE&I, learning, and talent acquisition dynamics will be integrated with new tools, methods, and technology like AI to impact the employee experience. You will have access to selected seminars that examine current trends, best practices, and case studies, providing you with solutions you can implement immediately.  

  • Date: May 1-3, 2024
  • Location: Virtual & Denver, CO, USA
  • Who should attend: HR professionals of all levels
  • Category of the event: Employee experience
  • Pricing: $495 for virtual, $1,495 for in-person
  • Register here

HR conferences in the Americas

FAQ: What opportunities for networking and professional development do HR conferences offer?
HR conferences offer great networking opportunities like breaks, social events, and roundtable discussions. When attending, you have access to industry leaders, experts, and fellow HR professionals for knowledge exchange. Some conferences also offer workshops, seminars, and panel discussions for skill development and staying current with industry trends.
Extra: Networking strategies at HR conferences
Tips on making meaningful connections:
– Be proactive: initiate conversations with fellow attendees, speakers, and exhibitors;
– Attend networking events: participate in social events, receptions, and industry mixers;
– Use social media: connect with attendees on LinkedIn, Twitter, or conference-specific apps.

Forum for attendees to connect before the conference:
– Join pre-conference forums or groups on social media platforms;
 -Use conference apps or online forums provided by the event organizers;
– Engage in virtual meet-and-greet sessions organized by the conference.

Post-conference follow-up guide:
– Send personalized follow-up emails to new connections, expressing appreciation for the interaction;
– Connect on professional networking platforms to continue the relationship;
– Schedule virtual coffee meetings or follow-up calls to delve deeper into shared interests or potential collaborations.

Talent Acquisition Week 2024

Talent Acquisition Week

Over two days, Talent Acquisition Week 2024 will feature three in-person conferences for talent and recruiting professionals:

  1. Social Recruiting Strategies Conference
  2. Talent Sourcing Strategies Summit
  3. Employer Branding Strategies Conference
  • Date: January 29 – February 1, 2024
  • Location: San Diego, CA
  • Who should attend: Recruiting and talent management professionals
  • Category of the event: Future of recruiting
  • Pricing:  $1,195 – $2,670
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • Register here

HR Transform

HR Transform

This three-day event includes engaging small-group discussions, 300+ speakers, an after-party with a unique musical performance, and unmatched learning opportunities. HR Transform is not a conference solely for HR professionals, unlike other conferences mentioned in this article. In addition, startups, financiers, and business owners looking to streamline operations are welcome to the event.

  • Date: March 11-13, 2024
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV
  • Who should attend: People leaders, HR executives, investors, and entrepreneurs
  • Category of the event: Future of work
  • Pricing: $1,395
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • Register here

Human Resource Executive® Conference

Human Resource Executive

Human Resource Executive® Conference: Elevate People, Ignite Change 2024, or EPIC 2024, promises to influence your people strategy in a way that goes beyond best practices and ignites positive change in your organization.

  • Date: April 24-26, 2024
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV
  • Who should attend: HR executives and leaders
  • Category of the event: Future of work
  • Pricing: Early bird is $200
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • Register here

ATD International Conference & Exposition

Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), this conference is ideal for HR professionals focused on talent development and learning. Attracting over 9,500 L&D experts, the event grants access to solution providers, networking opportunities, and programs and resources on the newest developments in the field. ATD24 has the largest training and development-focused expo hall in the market.

  • Date: May 19-22, 2024
  • Location: Orlando, FL, USA
  • Who should attend: Learning and development professionals
  • Category of the event: Talent development
  • Pricing:  $1,795 – $2,995 (in person); $1,095 – $1,795 (virtual)
  • Register here

SHRM Annual Conference & Expo

Renowned as one of the largest HR conferences globally, the SHRM Annual Conference & Expo gathers thousands of HR professionals for comprehensive workshops, keynote sessions, and networking opportunities. This HR event, which brings together thought leaders and professionals in the field, promises to revolutionize talent management and equip your company to thrive in a constantly changing job market.

  • Date: June 23-26, 2024
  • Location: Chicago, IL, USA
  • Who should attend: HR professionals of any level
  • Category of the event: HR, talent development
  • Pricing: $1,795 – $2,795 (in person); $1,095 – $1,795 (virtual)
  • Register here

HR Technology Conference

This conference is all about the latest trends in technology and how HR professionals can use them to benefit their employees and businesses. Apart from the trends, tools, technology, and knowledge you need to advance your HR initiatives, HR Tech features one of the biggest expo halls where you can discover more about established and emerging HR tech solutions. Josh Bersin, Jason Averbook, Stacey Harris, and Madeline Laurano are some influential voices who participate annually.

  • Date: September 24-27, 2024
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV, and virtual
  • Who should attend: HR technology decisions makers
  • Category of the event: HR tech
  • Pricing: Not disclosed
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • Register here

Gartner ReimagineHR Conference

This cutting-edge conference is specifically designed for CHROs and other senior HR leaders. Its goal is to educate on creating a more humane workplace, using cutting-edge HR technology, and the impact of motivating exceptional talent. To assist HR professionals in meeting future demands, the ReimagineHR agenda includes eight tracks covering learning and development, total rewards, talent analytics, diversity and inclusion, and other key areas.

  • Date: October 28-30, 2024
  • Location: Orlando, FL
  • Who should attend: CHRO, HR leaders
  • Category of the event: L&D, talent management, DE&I, rewards, HR tech, HR analytics
  • Pricing: Early-bird price: $3,875, standard price: $4,475
  • Register here

HR conferences in EMEA

FAQ: Are there any conferences offering continuing education or certification credits?
Many HR conferences provide opportunities to earn continuing education units (CEUs) or recertification credits. Check the conference website or contact the organizers for accreditation and credit offering details. For example, SHRM offers certifications, including the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP. Professionals must obtain 60 credits for professional development to become recertified every three years.

HR Technologies UK

Focused on the intersection of HR and technology, the HR Technologies UK event provides insights into the latest innovations shaping the tech-driven HR of the future. Attendees can explore cutting-edge solutions, attend expert-led sessions, and discuss the future of HR technology. Round tables, networking gatherings, panel discussions, and speeches are just a few of the many types of sessions.

  • Date: April 17-18, 2024
  • Location: London, UK
  • Who should attend: HR professionals of all levels
  • Category of the event: HR tech
  • Pricing: £799
  • Register here

The HR Congress Worldsummit

The HR Congress was founded in 2016, and ever since, it has held renowned conferences, leading the charge in showcasing the greatest concepts and narratives on HR. With 900 senior HR leaders and practitioners, 60 world-class speakers, and 15 content modules, this event promises to tackle the most urgent issues HR professionals face. Join this event to learn how to reshape the workplace and better navigate the future of work.

  • Date: May 14-15, 2024
  • Location: Porto, Portugal
  • Who should attend: Corporate HR practitioners
  • Category of the event: Strategy, culture, people, leadership
  • Pricing: Starts at €695
  • Register here

HR Vision

This event will provide you with new HR insights and leadership inspiration to improve your talent management. Join them to learn how to maximize the potential of your team members and help them succeed in areas like problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, and HR analytics. You can also take advantage of the opportunities that HR Technology may present to your company.

  • Date: June 5-6, 2024
  • Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Who should attend: HR professionals
  • Category of the event: HR tech, analytics, employee experience, learning & development, talent acquisition
  • Pricing: Early bird tickets are €1,499
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookInstagram
  • Register here

CIPD Festival of Work

CIPD Festival of Work is a two-day conference that looks ahead to the future of work and inspires leaders to develop action plans for their businesses. With over 10,000 attendees, 100 content sessions, and more than 100 speakers and thought leaders, it’s a great venue to understand what works best for your people and how to help them work better.

  • Date: June 12-13, 2024
  • Location: London, UK
  • Who should attend: Business and people leaders
  • Category of the event: Employee experience, wellbeing, L&D
  • Pricing: Free
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • Register here


Since 2011, UNLEASH has promoted HR excellence and disruption. This event is marketed as the “​​Home of HR and the Heart of the global HR community,” bringing together HR professionals worldwide to discuss new ways of working. They promise to give the participants a platform to solve problems and change the way they handle HR, from start-ups to the Fortune 500 and everything in between.

  • Date: October 16-17, 2024
  • Location: Paris, France & Virtual
  • Who should attend: Global HR professionals
  • Category of the event: HR tech, future of work
  • Pricing: Attendee experience is €1,995 EUR + VAT. Digital passes are €199.
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookInstagram
  • Register here 

HR conferences in APAC

FAQ: What emerging trends and topics will be covered in HR conferences 2024?
HR conferences focus on a range of high-level HR topics, including:
– Future of work: hybrid and remote work models, digital transformation, and the evolving role of HR;
– Diversity, equity, and inclusion: strategies for fostering inclusive workplaces and diverse talent management;
– Technology in HR: innovations in HR tech, people analytics, and AI;
– Employee well-being: mental health, work-life balance, and holistic approaches to employee wellness.

Future Forward Summit

The Economic Times HRWorld presents Future Forward Summit, a first-of-its-kind conference for business and HR leaders with the theme „Humanising work for a sustainable future.” The event aims to help you decipher the future of work and comprehend what it will take to humanize work for a more sustainable future. Discover how organizations can rethink themselves for the next transition phase at this epic event.

  • Date: March 6, 2024
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Who should attend: C-level executives, senior HR leaders, digital transformation professionals
  • Category of the event: HR tech, culture, talent management, employee experience, future of work
  • Pricing: $299 – $699
  • Social: LinkedInFacebookTwitter
  • Register here 

HRD National Summit

This unique event offers an experience unlike any other in the industry today, with a packed Main Conference, a Director’s Forum explicitly tailored for the C-suite, a large industry expo, and a series of free seminars. The event promises to tackle the issues that leaders are most concerned about, from talent shortage to retaining top talent, and help overcome them.

  • Date: March 20-21, 2024
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Who should attend: People leaders and C-suite
  • Category of the event: Talent retention
  • Pricing: Free
  • Register here

HR Tech Festival Asia

HR Tech Festival Asia is attended by over 8,000 HR experts and business executives from throughout Asia. The most important workplace issues that businesses in the Asia Pacific area are facing are addressed at this conference. You can choose from more than 100 sessions and six conference tracks to spend two days studying, gaining knowledge from experts, and forming genuine connections.

  • Date: April 24-25, 2024
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Who should attend: HR professionals, business leaders, government officials, HR tech analysts, and influencers
  • Category of the event: HR tech, future of work
  • Pricing: Starts at S$20
  • Register here

HR + L&D Innovation & Tech Fest (New Zealand)

Join the most vibrant and forward-thinking group of HR, L&D, and wellbeing leaders in New Zealand as they celebrate the ideas, talent, and technology of this amazing workplace transformation period. HR + L&D Innovation & Tech Fest is a two-day event with talks, networking, and education. Explore how workplace culture is being reframed, how organizational change is being driven, and how new people practices are being implemented.

  • Date: July 29-30, 2024
  • Location: Cordis, Auckland
  • Who should attend: HR and L&D practitioners
  • Category of the event: Future of work
  • Pricing: $2,390 (+GST)
  • Social: LinkedIn, Facebook
  • Register here

2024 Singapore HR Leadership Summit

The 2024 Singapore HR Leadership Summit will emphasize how organizational values and purpose alignment may act as change agents to create a more resilient, humane, and collaborative workplace. Beyond that, HR directors are developing into specialists in equipping individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in the workplace of the future and drive change.

  • Date: September 24-25, 2024
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Who should attend: HR professionals of all levels
  • Category of the event: HR trends, future of work, people analytics, culture, DE&I
  • Pricing: Not disclosed
  • Social: LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Register here

Choose the best upcoming HR conference of 2024

FAQ: How do I prepare for the upcoming HR events?
Review the conference agenda and prioritize sessions aligned with your professional goals first. Then, prepare questions for speakers and panelists to engage in discussions actively. Update your resume and bring business cards for networking opportunities. Familiarize yourself with the conference venue and plan your schedule accordingly. Lastly, stay informed about any pre-conference activities or virtual networking opportunities.

The landscape of HR is continually evolving, and attending conferences is an invaluable investment in staying ahead of the curve. The conferences highlighted here for 2024 promise not only to address the current challenges faced by HR professionals but also to explore the innovative solutions and emerging trends that will shape the future of the workplace. 

Whether you choose the dynamic discussions at the SHRM Annual Conference, the cutting-edge technology insights from the HR Technology Conference, or the global perspectives offered at the UNLEASH World, each conference provides a unique opportunity for networking, learning, and personal growth. As you plan your professional development journey in 2024, consider these conferences as essential milestones on the path to success in the ever-evolving realm of HR.

 Workplace Culture